
FieldGuard Stations equipped with a Digital Temperature/RH sensor or Wet Bulb temperature sensor can be used with the TRACIS frost alert system. During the frost period, FieldGuard Stations are set to a measurement interval of 5 minutes, allowing rapid detection of sudden temperature changes. The system can alert you by calling your mobile phone.



Nachtvorstalarmering fruitteelt sector       Our Frost Alert System is based on measurements of temperature and humidity at the level of the lower branches of your fruit trees. In practice, the risk of frost damage is highest at the lower branches because cold air rises from the ground. An important measure in this context is the so-called wet-bulb temperature (for more information on wet-bulb temperature, click here). Our frost alert system can trigger alarms based on both "wet-bulb temperature" and "dry-bulb temperature," i.e., air temperature. Once the set threshold for temperature is reached at any of the FieldGuard stations in your field, you will receive a call on your mobile phone.

In the event of an alert, you will be called on one or more phone numbers. If the first participant does not answer, the system will automatically escalate the alert to the next participant in the system. Depending on the situation at that moment, the user can choose to snooze the alarm for 10 minutes or turn off the alarm for the rest of the day. The alarm will then be automatically reactivated in the evening from 8:00 PM onwards.